Dream Theater is back in the studio! |
Click the article title above to read the full article.Dream Theater is back in the studio!!! Per John Petrucci Twitter post (http://twitter.com/JPetrucci) the band is now recording the next studio album. So who is the new drummer? That is still not yet officially released. However, strong speculation is swirling around the prospect that Marco Minnemann will be Dream Theater's new drummer... MESSAGE FROM WEBMASTER:DreamTheater.com is not the official Dream Theater website. DreamTheater.com is for sale to highest bidder. Click below for details: Who is Marco Minnemann? German native, Marco Minnemann is looked upon by his peers as one of the most gifted, innovative, cutting-edge drummers on the international music scene today. He has won numerous awards for his educational drum books and videos and was recently featured on the cover of the World’s #1 Drum Magazine, Modern Drummer. Minnemann’s unusual drum kit set up, which includes an array of multiple foot pedals, Gong drum, electronics and unique cymbal configurations, combined with his amazing, extreme interdependence skills has propelled him to superstar status among today’s elite drumming royalty. His total command of four-way independence is unequaled, and his over-the-top drumming creations are simply mind-boggling. He is a total drumming Super-Freak! http://marcominnemann.com/about_biography/Marco's Website: Read Marco's Buestbook (comments back up speculation) Highlights and history regarding Mike Portony split from Dream Theater and subsequent attempt to rejoin the band:Analysis & Personal Opinion Regarding Portnoy's Departure:Since its inception, Dream Theater has been a phenomenal band comprised of highly talented musicians. Despite a few changes in in the lineup (Keys and vocals), the band has enjoyed enduring success and a dedicated fan base because Dream Theater is “a band’s band”. Aspiring and successful rock musicians around the world recognize that Dream Theater is one of the most technically proficient progressive rock/metal bands in the world. When analyzing the impact of departure of Mike Portnoy, it is important to appreciate that Mike Portnoy is but one of several founding members that remain in the band including John Petrucci and John Myung. James LaBrie might as well be a founding member since he was in the band when they recorded and released their breakthrough album, and clearly Jordan Rudess was a tremendous addition to the band. While Mike Portnoy was a huge force within the band, Dream Theater remains a musician’s band and the drummer spot will only be filled with someone of immense talent – surely one of the world’s premier drummers. Rest assured that Dream Theater will continue on with its same tradition of exceptional progressive rock/metal with complex, powerful, and beautiful arrangements. With regard to Mike Portnoy’s departure from Dream Theater and subsequent attempt to rejoin, it is important to look at the written record. By Mike’s own admission, he wanted to take a meaningful break from Dream Theater that would include the entire band sitting idle for some undetermined amount of time. His official statement focused on his personal need for a break from Dream Theater (using phrases like burned out, my heart is not with Dream Theater, etc.) Mike felt that he needed a break and hoped that the rest of the band would agree to suspend Dream Theater. However, the rest of the band had no desire to stop recording music and touring as a band and decided to continue on without Mike – and it is perfectly reasonable and legal for Dream Theater to do so. Shortly after Mike officially left Dream Theater, he declared in an interview with SABIAN that he would be touring with A7X into 2011. Subsequently A7X announced that they would not continue on with Portnoy in part because the world would always view the band as “Avenged Sevenfold with Mike Portnoy”. A few days after this announcement Mike stated that he attempted to rejoin Dream Theater and was denied. Unlike Avenged Sevenfold, which is trying to replace a deceased band member (a highly sensitive and emotional issue to be sure), Dream Theater is comparatively more mature and experienced in the ways of navigating the waters of band member replacement. Most likely they had already signed a new drummer to be an official member, and not just a session and touring player. So even if Dream Theater wanted to bring Mike back into the fold, that may be easier said than done. Not only had they already shook hands on a deal with the new guy, they may already have signed legal paperwork, etc. Moreover, Dream Theater had to come to grips with the shock and disappointment of losing Mike, move through the seven stages of grief, and finally come to accept a new guy and get excited about the future again. To throw all of that away just days away from entering the studio would have simply been too much to ask of the band. So it was likely in the best interest of Dream Theater to continue on as planned, without Mike. I imagine that for Dream Theater, telling Mike, "I'm sorry, but no" was extremely difficult and no one took any satisfaction in that. Ironically, Dream Theater may be doing Mike a huge favor. Clearly Mike was burned out on Dream Theater but was not able to make the difficult decision to leave until he found the appeal of recording and touring with a hot new band like A7X. This opportunity made the break up with Dream Theater easier than simply quitting for quitting sake. Essentially A7X was the rebound group that acted as the catalyst for Mike to do what he had wanted to do for some time now – leave Dream Theater. When the A7X gig fell through, the natural reaction was for Mike to want to return to the good old days of Dream Theater and forget how unhappy that experience had become for him personally. However, rejoining a group with which he had become dissatisfied was probably a kneejerk reaction to the disappointment of now being one of the world’s most talented drummers without a home band. It is unlikely that returning to Dream Theater at this time would bring Mike the happiness and satisfaction he felt was missing. So by denying Mike re-entry into Dream Theater, the band is helping Mike by forcing him to take the time off that he proclaimed that he so desperately needed. In the end, this is probably the best thing for all parties involved. In the immortal words of Cinderella, "You don't know what 'ya got, till it's gone". It may be that Mike returns to Dream Theater after some time and rejoins the band with renewed enthusiasm and appreciation for the band. So long as there are no grudges held and everyone looks at the situation honestly and openly, there may be hope for Portnoy within Dream Theater again one day. All we can do is wait and see. Webmaster The above comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not endorsed by Dream Theater, its label, or anyone else :) Peace be with you. PS: Continue Supporting Mike Portnoy. Visit his sites...
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